The Woodbridge Republican Town Committee
Learn More About the Woodbridge Republican Town Committee
Town Leadership
Who We Are
The Woodbridge CT Republican Town Committee (WRTC) is a volunteer-led organization that is dedicated to cultivating positive political change in Woodbridge, CT. Woodbridge Republicans have a long history of doing community-based work to help make life better for everyone who lives in here . While our organization does focus its efforts on political causes, our purpose for doing so is to better our community at large.
By educating members of our community on political issues and how they can get involved, we are providing opportunities for countless resident’s members of our community to join their fellow Woodbridge Republicans and make changes at a local level.
Our Mission
our mission is to present qualified candidates for local office to the Woodbridge voters, promote their candidacy through honest, visible, and active campaign assistance. We offer solutions, when necessary, to better serve the needs of the majority of Woodbridge residents.
Assisting WRTC candidates with their political campaigns not only gives our members an opportunity to learn more about how the election cycle works, but it also gives them an opportunity to help educate other members of the community. When we work together, we can create a better community for everyone. We also provide training for each of our volunteers. When you work with the Woodbridge Republican Town Committee, you'll have all the support you need to help make positive changes in our community.
How You Can Help
If you're interested in getting involved with the Woodbridge Republican Town Committee, there are plenty of ways you can do so. We're always looking for volunteers to join our organization.. If you have questions or want to learn more before you volunteer, don't hesitate to reach out. Click the following link for more information.
What are the qualities of an ideal Republican Town leader?​
They are able to build relationships. Relationship-building is important in the political world. A Town leader should build excellent relationships with Board and Commission members as well as residents.
They are a critical thinker. A great Town leader will have short and long-term goals in mind as they make decisions. They’ll ensure they’re making decisions that will benefit our community.
They are prepared. Being a Town leader requires responsibility, preparedness, and the ability to make decisions quickly and efficiently. A Town leader needs to have the proper amount of time to dedicate to the job and its many responsibilities.
They are knowledgeable. Town leaders must be able to read and analyze financial and legal statements among other key information that decides the fate of our community. Then, they must be able to make the best decisions for the Town based on their analyses.
They are approachable. A Town leader must be charismatic. Residents and individuals with leadership positions should be able to speak to each other with candor and respect and the Town leader should have an open mind as they listen.
They are an excellent communicator. Town leaders must convey important messages to their peers and residents. The best Town leaders will streamline communication so that everyone is as informed as possible.
They must be a great listener. Town leaders work with Board and Commission members to make the best decisions for their community. They must be able to listen to advice and consider all options before making major decisions that affect everyone in their Town.